With this app, you can calculate the third value of an Ohm's Law circuit, when you know the first 2.
How to use the app?
For resistance:
1. In the text field of "Voltage of P1": Put the voltage of P1 as shown in the picture.
2. In the text field of "Current of P2": Put the current of P2 as shown in the picture.
3. In the text field of "Resistance of P3": Put the resistance of P3 as shown in the picture.
You only need to put 2 values:
If you need the voltage of your circuit, put the values of P2 and P3.
If you need the current of your circuit, put the values of P1 and P3.
If you need the resistance of your circuit, put the values of P1 and P2.
For power:
1. In the text field of "Power of P3": Put the power of P3 as shown in the picture.
2. In the text field of "Voltage of P1": Put the voltage of P1 as shown in the picture.
3. In the text field of "Current of P2": Put the current of P2 as shown in the picture.
You only need to put 2 values:
If you need the power of your circuit, put the values of P1 and P2.
If you need the voltage of your circuit, put the values of P2 and P3.
If you need the current of your circuit, put the values of P1 and P3.
If you have an developement suggestion or want to report a bug, you can sent me a message by email to:
oskari.saarinen@saario.xyzBut please note, that I'm just a one person, so there may be a delay for responding messages.
See also my other apps in the AppStore®,
like the InductorCalc, whitch you can use to calculate inductance, Q-value, resistance and needed wire length for your diy inductor/coil
the CapacitorCalc, whitch you can use to calculate the capacitance of the capacitor of your AC-to-DC circuit
and the LC-TankCircuit, whitch you can use to calculate the values of yout tank-circuit
(C) 2019 — Oskari Saarinen